We've not had much DK for a while so I thought it might be time to rectify that! Our schedule is slowly getting back on track as we make our way through the huge back log of work, hence the smaller-than-usual updates. Hopefully next year will be less disrupted. These yarns will go live on the website HERE at 7pm UK time tomorrow (Wednesday the 7th of December). There are six ten-skein batches of Oakworth DK.. from top to bottom we have Coppice, Dale, Wild Raspberry, Faded Bloom, Black Magic Rose, and Tide.

Dale is a new colourway inspired by the Yorkshire Dales; it's grey shot through with shades of green and is fairly subtle.

This is Faded Bloom. To me this is a pink for people who don't like/can't wear pink.

And Tide - what more can I say about this colourway other than it's lush?! 

Wild Raspberry is one of my oldest colourways and remains a perennial favourite. 

And Black Magic Rose - another colourway I've been dyeing for a long time now, but remains popular. I like the fact that it's neither pink nor purple but a bit of both, and has a sort of velvety richness. 

There are also a number of batches of Titus DK.. This is Stonechat (not to be confused with Stonecrop which is much lighter), a soft warm light red.. sort of..

There's also Copper Bucket - another ECY classic! 

This green (one of maaaaany greens) is Larch.

I also dyed a batch of Steel as it goes with everything which is very useful.

And finally this is Red Kite, albeit a particularly reddish batch of his colourway. It's meant to be a bit browner really! 

Here are all the Titus DK batches together in a fruit crate; aren't they lovely?

So.. limited quantities as always, but enough for sweaters/cardigans, and tomorrow at 7pm is when you need to be online for it. Dyelots tend to sell out very quickly, but don't worry if you do miss out as I am always dyeing more and I have help at the moment so there will be lots more yarn to comewhilst that is the case.

1 comment

  • Oooh yarn is so gorgeous!!! ?

    Jessica on

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