Quick Contact

Thankyou for getting in touch


I am perpetually really busy producing yarn and doing all the admin around it so it can take a little while for me to answer emails - please bear with me. Please use emails and not social media as notifications are unreliable and your message may get missed amongst other notifications etc. My office hours are 9am - 5pm (UK hours) Monday to Friday. 
Please note that once dyelots have sold out they are all gone, we do not keep skeins back or in storage for any reason. The website is updated regularly. 

We have answered many common questions on our FAQ page HERE and there are lots of handy bits of information in the FAQ section of the blog HERE.

For shipping info please see HERE.

If you have an order that hasn't arrived yet but has been dispatched, please see the shipping info above.

For returns please see HERE.

For pattern support and general yarn related queries you could direct these to our facebook group 'The ECY Garden'

For more news and updates, sign up to the newsletter HERE.


Interested in becoming a stockist? For more information get in touch HERE and for news and updates please join our wholesale newsletter HERE.


Media contacts and designers wishing to be kept up to date with the latest ECY news, sign up for our media newsletter HERE.