It’s just over a year since we published our biggest collection to date: Drift. This project brought together some of my favourite designers from across the world in one ambitious project, to create a series of patterns in the deliciously soft Whitfell DK yarn (it's 100% baby alpaca - need I say more?!).

It’s always really interesting to see how people choose to interpret patterns, especially colour choices. Different shades can produce totally different looks, which is always inspiring. So in no particular order, here are a few of the finished objects that have caught my eye. (All images used with kind permission of their owners - thankyou!)

First up is ‘Barley Field’ by Below Wolds Skies on Ravelry. This was a test knit of the Beulah pattern by Clare Devine before the collection was published. I love the way the photographs have been styled, with the gorgeous Lincolnshire landscape. Also, the addition of a pom pom (which I always condone) creates a totally different look on the finished item, which is here:



Next is the fabulous berry coloured version of Cloudburst by Dieuwke van Mulligan, knitted by Contessa on Ravelry. What made this project stand out for me was not only the rich raspberry colour way used, but also how the garment looks when knitted in a wool yarn rather than baby alpaca. The stitch definition on this version really makes the detailing stand out, compared to the baby alpaca, where it is softened by the fuzzy halo on the yarn. See Contessa's lovely sweater on Ravelry here:


It wouldn’t be a favourites collection without a project of our very first children’s pattern, Honey Bee, designed by Dani Sunshine. It’s a really versatile design that can be thrown on and off quickly, perfect for Autumn weather. There are lots of adorable versions, but for this one I chose the two knitted by Dreamsbythesea on Ravelry. I love how different the two versions look in the two different colours.  You can see these cuties on Ravelry here:


Next up is the Swale Hap – and I absolutely love the version by Isla at BritYarn (one of our lovely stockists) who decided to complete her version in a variety of natural shades yarn from different sheep breeds. I think this is a really clever idea and I love the finished result. You can see it on Ravelry here:


And last, but by no means least, we have the Pimms Cup by Thea Colman. I’ve plumped for ellipsissy’s Pimms Cup. Everyone loves a stylish, dark grey hat, but I’d argue that sort of hat is even better when topped with a fluffy baby alpaca pom pom (as we've already established - I love pompoms on hats)! This is a really classy version of this pattern and I love how the darker shade and contrasting pom pom have made this look so different from the original. Elipsissy's hat is on Ravelry here:


I hope you find these inspirational, and want to say a huge thankyou to you all for the reception that Drift received. Putting it together took most of 2015 and a huge amount of work for us, Clare Devine (who edited the whole thing), and all of the designers involved. The print book is a hefy tome (almost a coffee table thing), and the ebook and single digital patterns are now up on Ravelry HERE.

Should you fancy trying Whitfell DK, you can get 10% off it until the 19th of November on the ECY website - the code is in THIS newsletter which I sent out this week. And if you prefer to squish it first. Louise of Inspiration Knits will have it on her stand (number 9) at Yarnporium in London this weekend.


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