ECY monthly round up: September 2023
Despite a very major setback on my part September ended up being another month packed with yarn news which is partly why this blog post is so overdue (it’s almost the end of October, oops). The month started with me having a nasty fall involving some very jagged tarmac on the August bank holiday Monday and with injuries to both legs I wasn’t really able to work in the dye shed for about three weeks, and even then it was really hard to do. As I write this two months later (again, oops) my injuries are healing well and I’m...
Yarndale news
August didn't half go quickly, did it?! September is our busiest month, what with collection release, Yarn in the City (this Sat), and Yarndale... This yarn is all for Yarndale.. And it's not the half of it.. Talking of Yarndale, a couple of things - 1. We'll be on stand 11.. it's along the long wall, nearest to the knit & natter lounge, and we're behind Texere. 2. Time to announce that as well as our own collection, we're hosting Louise Zass-Bangham's new collection! She'll be on our stand with her books and patterns, and we will have...
- Tags: edencottageyarns, Image, Uncategorized, yarn, yarndale