Now that all five shades have been revealed (and thankyou for the lovely response) I thought it'd be helpful for you to see a gallery of them all together, which I hope will make choosing colour combinations easier Bear in mind that Milburn 4ply does also work well alongside Askham 4ply and hand dyed bases such as BFL Sock, Oakworth 4ply, and Titus 4ply. If you want to go and see and squish the yarn in person before buying, I would heartily encourage you to visit one of our lovely stockists.. Ewe & Ply in Shrewsbury have a delivery arriving on Tuesday for a start. So here are the five new shades together.. (in different lights)
Quite a few people have commented on Tea Rose and mentioned it being pink, which concerns me a little as to me it's very much apricot and not pink. I'm trying to show it with other colours so you can see how it compares. Here it is with cream, which should help..
There is Bramble, which I think is pink although a couple of people who've seen it have called it purple! It's lovely alongside Steel - I'm using these two together (Steel as MC) for my Breathing Space by Veera Välimäki
I posted this picture on social media the other day as I love these three together - Rain, Estuary and Autumn Fields.
Here are the five swatches I made so you can see how each new shade knits up and how the yarn blocks (it blocks well). This lace pattern is from my Daydreamer Socks pattern - a few people have already asked. (The yarn there is Milburn 4ply in Misty Woods which I no longer produce - however there will be two new shades of Milburn in green coming soon - ooooooooh!)
Righto. Here's a feast for the eyes - this is ALL the current Milburn 4ply and Askham 4ply together.And a heads up - Askham 4ply in Air (that's the duck egg blue on the right hand side near the back) is low stock and I don't have any more in production right now. So if you like that yarn may I suggest you get it whilst you can.
Here's the ten shades of Milburn 4ply together, carefully stacked and randomly scattered..
Milburn 4ply comes with these ball bands on. It's always difficult to know how best to label yarn. As I'm sure some of you will know, Askham 4ply and Whitfell DK have strung tags around the balls, which stay on better than these but I don't think look as neat.
The next thing I want to show you is.. well I wanted to show you a gallery of each new shade alongside the other nine shades so that you can easily see how they interact. But they don't arrange that easily without being in a circle with the feature shade in the centre. So anyway, I hope this will help you to see how each new shade sits alongside its siblings. Here's Estuary:
Tea Rose:
and Autumn Fields:
There's absolutely piles of pattern inspiration for 4ply on Ravelry - if you do a search and filter for 4ply you'll get loads. And don't forget our lovely Bletchley Collection by Joanne Scrace (from The Crochet Project) is designed for Milburn 4ply! So there we have it. I will return to my everything-going-wrong afternoon and will blog again soon. Actually I've got a lot of order-packing to do now; that can't possibly go wrong, can it?? In case you missed the link at the top, Milburn 4ply is HERE.