..this beautiful soft sandy gold: Autumn Fields. This came off the back of wanting a gold-ish shade, and being inspired by it going nicely against yesterday's colour.

It's actually not that easy to photograph, I'm finding. But anyhow. The colour comes from my love of autumn really. Ok, before I say any more I have a confession: I'm fickle when it comes to seasons. I love them all, but get bored of them before they're over. Every year when a new season arrives I say "I LOVE [season]". BUT I still think that late autumn might be my favourite. There's still the colour and warmth from summer (warmth as in colour-wise, not temperature!), but the promise and hope (though often dashed) of a beautiful crisp winter. I'm sure I can't be the only one who's like this? So Autumn Fields stems from that anyway. I just love how the green sort of peels away to reveal all these other colours, and they're so much more complex than we initially think.

You can see a similar soft gold shade knitted up in Janina Kallio's Interlude shawl - the Ravelry pattern page is

This shade goes with a lot of others - because I've kept it soft and quite brownish rather than going more orange or yellow, it means it can sit well next to a good range of other shades. It's particularly fabulous with one of the other new colours but you'll have to wait to see that (I actually loaded up the photo of them together, all excited to show you, then had an "oh wait.." moment). Here it is with the original Milburn 4ply shades:
I like how with Damson you get a heathery sort of look, and then with Steel and Natural you get the soft neutral sort of effect. I'm not sure how I feel about it with Night Sky or Harvest Gold - I can't decide if I like them or not. What do you think? It goes really well with three of the other new shades though, and I don't think all colours should necessarily go together - it's just having the confidence to produce ones that might not!
OH my goodness I need that in mylife!!!